Meet the team

Ioulia Makri
Art Director
"Ioulia Makri is a multidisciplinary artist and designer whose diverse portfolio spans across various mediums, including graphic design, painting, drawing, illustration, mural making, face painting, and dream making. She holds a master's degree in multitasking (which she photoshopped herself!), and when she grows up, she wants to write songs while floating on cake shaped trampolines in the sea."

Foteini Paraskevopoulou
Junior art director
"Ah, so it's like that, huh. I understand everything now." (Doesn't get it at all)

Kyrillos Zachmanoglou
Account manager
As an Indian shaman once said, 'Turn your passion into your profession, and you’ll never work a day in your life.' I’m always on the hunt for fresh ideas and innovative ways to spread joy because, after all, what’s better than bringing vibrant campaigns to life?

Kalliopi Papalexandraki
Account Manager
"Carpe Diem" is a Latin phrase that translates to "Seize the Day". It encourages individuals to make the most of the present moment, to embrace opportunities, and to live life to the fullest without procrastination. It's a timeless philosophy that underscores the importance of mindfulness, appreciation for the present, and taking decisive action in pursuit of one's goals and aspirations

Nancy Tsitsilidou
Executive Secretary
Nancy is an artist by heart with lots of passion, love for nature, full of flowers in heart.... Through her loose pigments on paper, via acrylic and watercolour abstract paintings, every day’s mood is depicted and portrayed. She specializes in bringing together and supporting the team with inspiration, eagerness, zeal, scents of life.

Eliza Nasi
Digital Performance Manager
“Can you multitask?" Yes actually i am losing my mind and chilling at the same time.

Karolina Kakotariti
Graphic designer

Ilias Apostolopoulos
Financial Management
I'm tired of being wanted only for the money

Ioanna Alexatou
Living & Travel Editor, Creative & Media Consultant

Tina Kontogiannopoulou
Copy writer
Setting out from Economics, Tina first interpreted the world through numbers and curves. These soon gave way to pictures and words as she started publishing her outlook on life in travel magazines. Travel journalism led her to Advertising, where the interplay of pictures and words offered her new, exciting ways to express herself. Over the past 19 years, she has worked on many award-winning campaigns in traditional and digital media, excelling in the art of storytelling and exploring new routes between brands and consumers.

Christos Dimolikas
Video director
If you haven’t checked our amazing videos already, you have to do so! Christos is our incredible in-house director, the guy with a lot of hair and even more creative ideas! His projects combine perfectly his artistic view with his marketing background and reflect his valuable 10 years’ experience. He is also the co-founder of “Imagine The City”, the project that makes Athens more beautiful and the video curator of Athens Biennale Agora. Easy-going, cool and always happy, you can spoil him with good food and tickets to the biggest music festivals!

George Tsapis
Video editor / Sound design
George studied Communication and Mass Media Theory at the University of Athens. From an early age, he discovered his passion for cinema and especially for editing, which is considered by many the essence of moving image. Since his graduation, he has been constantly working as an editor in a variety of video forms from Tvc Commercials to Documentaries, Fiction films, etc. He considers the emotional engagement of the audience as the milestone of storytelling and tries to achieve it in every project. He loves his job. Almost as much as playing football.

Maria Anesti
Video producer
“Never give in,
never, never, never.”
Winston Churchill
With 20+ years of professional full-time experience in the production of advertising commercials, film and video presentations, and multimedia themes.
Organizing promotional, thematic, as well as interactive events for a variety of products and services in the Advertising industry.

Eleftheria Sklivaki
HR & Accounting manager
Crazy about keeping everything well organized, not a fan of the numbers yet ended up to "serve" them. A multitask person that gathers up various functions beyond those of Accounting. In addition, she possesses a restless artistic spirit, likes to learn new things and deals with anything creative and travel like.

Danai Daska
Creative Director
Danai studied Philosophy at The University of Athens. And as if that wasn’t impractical enough she went on to do a Master’s in English Literature and Creative Writing at The University of Edinburgh. She has worked as a copywriter, a journalist, a creative writing tutor, a literary scout, and a translator. Her job at Leoussis_a sometimes consists of making water come alive and talk, writing madinades about ice cream and placing the stars in a box.

Fotis Velentzas
Brand Storytelling & Αccount Manager
Fotis studied German Literature and Film Directing. He tried writing a paragraph about himself but realized that he couldn't write anything autobiographical. Therefore he is quoting "The Smiths": "I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now. I was looking for a job and then I found a job and heaven knows I'm miserable now".

Angelika Leoussis
Owner / CEO
Our main strategic thinker. Charged with the smooth running of operations, one might expect her to abstain from the more creative side of things, something that could not be farther from the truth. She maintains oversight over every single project, putting her own personal touch on them and she still finds the time to pitch her own ideas and keep up with every new development in the industry.

Konstantinos Lonis
Full stack developer

Matina Chasapi
Behavioral planner
"People tend to assess the relative importance of issues by the ease with which they are retrieved from memory—and this is largely determined by the extent of coverage in the media. Frequently mentioned topics populate the mind even as others slip away from awareness."
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow.

Elpida Lamprou
Brand Storytelling & Αccount Manager
"Take your job seriously, but not yourself"

Olivia Kefala
General manager
Following a period of non-stop transits between Greece and New York, Olivia checked-in Leoussis_a with her luggage full of positive energy and experience of more than 7,000 days in Marketing and Advertising. Olivia is holding the management and operations key of the company and overviews all corporate and client’s projects from A to Z. With a Data-Driven mindset and great experience in Big Data & Analytics, she values efficiency and loves results. When she is not working, she loves meditating to keep her spirit and mind in a balanced state. This is her own optimization framework!
"If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not." – Elon Musk

Dario Veruari
3D Artist
Dario Veruari
So.. Dario is very busy at the moment... he is creating some style frames for one of his favorite clients. Please leave a message!