Elpedison, a prominentenergyprovider in Greece, recognized the uniquechallengefacedbyconsumersduring the scorchingsummermonths. Withcoolingsystemsrunningconstantly, the cost of electricitycanquicklyescalate. Toaddressthisissue and engagewiththeiraudience, Elpedison
launched a creativeSummerActivationCampaign on socialmedia. The campaignencouragedparticipantstosharealternative and humorousideas for stayingcoolwhilehighlightingElpedison’scost-effectiveenergysolutions.
Campaign Objectives
Raise awareness of Elpedison as a reliable and cost-effective energy provider during the hot summer season.
Engage with the audience by encouraging them to share inventive and funny ways to save on cooling costs.
Enhance brand recognition and loyalty through interactive social media content.
Campaign Strategy
Elpedison’sstrategyaimedtoleveragesocialmedia’sinteractivenaturetofosterengagement and promoteitscost-effectiveenergysolutions. The focuswas on creativity, humor, and communityinvolvement.
Humorous Video: Elpedison created a humorous video that showcased a variety of quirky, inexpensive, and impractical products for staying cool during the summer. These ranged from absurd contraptions to hilarious DIY solutions. The video humorously concluded that the best and most cost-effective way to stay cool was through Elpedison electricity.
CreativePosts:Elpedisonreleased a series of highlycreative and engagingsocialmediapoststhroughout the campaign. Thesepostsfeaturedwittyvisuals and playfulmessaging, reinforcing the campaign’shumorous and cost-savingtheme.
Social MediaContest: The campaignencouragedsocialmediauserstoparticipatebysharingtheirunique, alternativecoolingideas in the commentssection of the video. Participantswereaskedtolike, tagfriends, and engage in livelydiscussionsaboutsavingmoneyduring the summer.
Key Messages and Results
Elpedison positioned itself as the ideal energy provider for cost-conscious consumers during the hot summer months.
The campaign encouraged creativity, humor, and community interaction, resonating with the audience.
The videoachieved a highcompletionrate and garneredover 4,000 comments, showcasingstrongengagement.
The campaign successfully reinforced Elpedison’s brand identity as a provider of affordable energy solutions.
Participants actively engaged in discussions about creative ways to save money on cooling, creating a sense of community.
The humorousvideo and creativepostsleft a memorableimpression on the audience.
The ElpedisonSummerActivationCampaigneffectivelyaddressed the financialchallenges of coolingduringGreece’sscorchingsummermonths. Byharnessinghumor, creativity, and communityengagement on socialmedia, Elpedisonshowcaseditselfas the preferredchoice for cost-effectiveenergysolutions.
The humorousvideo and engagingpostsresonatedwith the audience, resulting in a highcompletionrate and over 4,000 comments, indicative of strongengagement. Elpedison’sinnovativeapproachsuccessfullystrengtheneditsbrandidentity and fostered a deeperconnectionwithitscustomers.