The request :

Public is one of the most successful businesses in Greece. Its products range from books, toys and gifts to high tech devices, smartphones, laptops, 3D printers e.c.t. The request from Public’s marketing team was to create a photography and video competition in order to establish Public’s expertise in cameras, mobile phones with excellent photo quality capabilities, action cameras like go pros or drones and of course DSLR.

The challenge :

The competition had to engage with very different audiences: Professional photographers, instagramers, directors, amateurs, action lovers. And it also needed to become an annual happening, something that would last in order to make Public the expert in image making technology. And that was the tricky part… how do you organize an online competition that can be valued by professionals and welcoming to amateurs. How do you design the platform that can engage with diverse needs and beliefs?

The solution :

  1. Choose The perfect theme: The theme of this competition needed to be simple but also intriguing and to be able to host different styles of photos and videos so that more people could participate. We suggested the theme: Sundays. Sundays are a day to travel, a day to relax, a day of solitude and a day of family. Sundays mean something different to everyone.
  2. Appoint a respected judging committee and well known ambassadors: The judging committee we suggested included highly acclaimed experts. But we also suggested separate, people’s choice awards so that more people would be involved.
  3. Design a rich and easy platform for submissions. The platform we designed was user friendly, connected to social media and full of interesting video content that promoted expertise and products!

The results :

  • 55.000 participants
  • 65.000 uploaded photos and 800 uploaded videos
  • 500.000 votes

Total reach Facebook & Instagram: 3.000.000

22.600 shares from the site on Facebook that achieved an estimated viral reach to 1.000.000 people.

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