National Bank of Greece – Stay Home and bank with NBG TV Campaign
The request
Once Covid-19 pandemic hit Greece, the #stayhome national campaign quickly launched in all media across the country, in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus. National Bank of Greece, in full alignment with the guidelines of the authorities, needed a TV campaign to encourage its customers to use its digital and mobile services in order to stop flocking to its branches.
The insight
As Covid-19 started spreading across the country, fear and uncertainty, naturally, started spreading across the people. We thought that the key to our communication laid in the tone of voice: friendly, reassuring and sweet, was the only way to ease the fear and have people listen to you. Once we got that, the message was easy to communicate.
The campaign
We created four post-production TV spots, as we had to quickly respond to the unprecedented and dramatic situation. The four short videos, “played” with the #stayhome national campaign in the copy. In the video, we picked ordinary folks, friendly characters, each expressing one specific need, addressed by NBG. Clear, simple and to the point, our message was communicated fast and sharply; it is unbelievably easy to digitally bank with NBG! In addition, taking distances from classic and harsh “banking” advertising, the final videos came out to be fresh, soft and modern. The starring characters, the music, the speakers and the copy, all worked together in perfect harmony to build an ultra friendly and sweet tone of voice that spoke straight to the heart of all those people stranded at home.
The campaign is still unfolding and more TVCs are to follow. It is also supported by a digital multi-banner campaign. Stay tuned for more to come, as they are in the making…!